Photo: Todd Kirkland
Mavericks head coach Jason Kidd recently made comments to the media about Luka Dončić already being one of the best players in NBA history, calling him even better than Dirk Nowitski. Chris and Rob react to the momentous statement, debating whether or not it has any truth. Chris thinks Kidd is on to something, and doesn't see an issue with giving the 24-year-old superstar flowers so early on in his career. Rob disagrees, citing Dončić's lack of tangible accomplishments to this point.
Chris Broussard: "Jason Kidd is absolutely right about Luka being better than Dirk... I don't know how in the world you could say Dirk is better than Luka. Luka scores more, he runs the offense, has a ton of assists, he's darn near as good a rebounder as Dirk... I think Jason Kidd is projecting. When it's all said and done, [Luka] should be mentioned with Kobe and Larry Bird. The dude is magnificent."
Rob Parker: "He didn't say [he's predicting], he said Luka's already in that conversation... [Luka's lacking] defensively, he's been overweight, he's worn out at the end of seasons, a third of his playoff games he's shot under 40 percent... I'm not gonna disrespect Dirk's career."